Rainbow Trout Pasta

Rainbow Trout Pasta

Rainbow Trout Pasta

Firstly, I must apologise for my absenteeism. Turns out that third year at university is pretty hard work, and takes over your entire life for weeks at a time, subsuming any non-dissertation related activity that you might fancy doing. Luckily, my dissertation is now done and dusted with, so I am free to return to writing about delicious food, rather than witchcraft in Papua New Guinea, which is quite a relief I must say. I need to make the most of it given that I have another 11,000 words to write in the next few weeks which may result in my disappearance from the blogosphere once again!

This recipe is a very quick and easy, but still delicious, midweek meal. It takes only 15 minutes to throw together, and can be adapted to fit whatever it is you have in your fridge and cupboard. I have used rainbow trout as it is a more affordable option than salmon, but you could use salmon if you are more monied than me. I am often wary that since giving up meat I might not be getting all the right nutrients, or enough of them, so I think it is good to throw in some fish every now and again – especially if it is sustainably sourced.


2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 small red onion

2 cloves of garlic

150g chestnut mushrooms

1 fillet rainbow trout, de-skinned and de-boned

225g pasta

Handful of frozen peas

Salt and pepper to season


Set a pan of salted water to boil on the hob, cover and leave until boiling. In the meantime, finely slice your garlic, mushrooms and onion. Hopefully, your fishmonger will have filleted and de-boned your fish, but if not the easiest way to get the bones out is with a pair of tweezers under a bright light! As you will see from the photo, our fishmonger did a rubbish job so my boyfriend took on the tweezering! Once you have de-boned the fish, you can gently peel the skin off the back, making sure not to take any of the flesh with it. Once de-boned and de-skinned, finely slice the fish fillet.

Matt and the tweezers

Matt and the tweezers

Place a frying pan with 2 tbsp vegetable oil on the hob, and once hot, add the onion. Fry the onion until transparent and soft on a low heat (this will take about 5 minutes). After the onion has been frying for 5 minutes, add the pasta to the boiling water and leave to cook for approximately ten minutes or until al dente.

In the meantime, once the onion is soft, add the garlic, mushrooms and fish to the frying pan and fry for a further 7-9 minutes. Once the fish is cooked, and the mushrooms are softened, pour the cream into the pan and turn to a very low heat (you don’t want the cream to curdle or separate). Season with salt and pepper.

Approximately 1-2 minutes before the pasta is ready, add the frozen peas to the boiling water so they get a chance to defrost. After a couple of minutes, take the pasta and peas off the heat and drain. Take the sauce off the heat, and stir the pasta through the sauce. Season to your preference, and then tuck in!

This is a very speedy recipe so there isn’t really any point at which I could give you something to do, but if you fancy it whilst you’re eating, or simply at any other time when you’ve got a moment to spare, have a look at bloodandchampagne. It is a photographic blog, of beautiful interiors and houses of a minimalist, industrial and scandinavian ilk. The photos, and their contents are inspiring; now my dissertation is finished, I intend to while away many an hour gazing at them, and dreaming that perhaps one day my home will look something vaguely like this. Perhaps yours already does, or perhaps this will give you some ideas if you are bored of where you’re sat whilst you read this!

Pistachio and Herb Falafels

Pistachio and Herb Falafel with Coriander Yoghurt & Paprika Houmous

Pistachio and Herb Falafel with Coriander Yoghurt & Paprika Houmous

Falafels are one of my all time favourite things. There is a fantastic falafel restaurant on the Curry Mile in Manchester, that I frequent on my way in and out of uni when I feel like treating myself to more than a cheese sandwich for lunch. I also learnt two years ago that falafels are in fact incredibly easy to make at home, and this has been somewhat of a revelation, as they quickly became one of my regular, and most enjoyed meals.

Today’s recipe is a new spin on the usual falafel, and is based upon another Green Kitchen Stories recipe, although I have changed it somewhat to suit my tastes. This is the last of the pistachio recipes, as I have now run out of pistachios and feel maybe I should take a break from them, otherwise the obsession may reach dangerous levels. The pistachios, and the herbs used in this recipe, give the falafels a wonderful bright green colour, as well making the taste fantastic – the sweet, salty pistachio combined with the nutty falafel and the fresh coriander and mint is more than a winning combination. The texture too is wonderful – the soft chickpeas and the crunchy pistachio contrast with one another excellently. Topped off with smoked paprika houmous, lime and coriander yoghurt and some spinach, then wrapped up in a flatbread, it is a completely delicious, healthy and easy dinner.

Falafel Ingredients (serves 2)

8 sprigs of fresh mint

8 sprigs of fresh coriander

200g pistachio nuts, shelled

400g tinned chickpeas

2 cloves of garlic

1/2 white onion

3tbsp olive oil

1tsp cumin

1tbsp flour

Salt and pepper to season

1tbsp sunflower oil

2 flatbreads

150g smoked paprika houmous

Handful of baby spinach leaves

Sriracha, to serve

To begin with, place the herbs in a blender and whizz until you have a smooth paste. Then add the pistachios and blend again, so you have a pesto like texture. Following this, chuck in the chickpeas, garlic, cumin, flour, olive oil, and onion and blend once more. The end result should have something a bit like a sticky-doughy texture. Take a tablespoon of mixture out of the blender, and shape it into a round ball. Repeat until you have used all the mixture. This will make approximately 10 falafels, maybe more, maybe less depending on how big you make them.

Falafels - shaped and ready to cook!

Falafels – shaped and ready to cook!

Heat the sunflower oil in a large frying pan, and once hot, pop the falafels in and leave them to fry. They will take a couple of minutes to brown on each side, but make you sure keep an eye on them and turn them regularly. Whilst the falafels cook, it is time to make the yoghurt.

Lime & Coriander Yoghurt Ingredients

200g yoghurt

Handful of coriander leaves

Juice and zest of 1/2 a lime

1 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper to season

Finely chop the coriander, then place in a bowl with the yoghurt, lime juice and zest, olive oil and salt and pepper. Stir this together, and add more lime/salt/pepper to achieve the perfect flavour!

If you have any spare time whilst cooking, take a look at this fab blog Humans of New York . It’s a photography blog, set up by a former Wall-Street trader called Brandon, who lost his day job, and decided to start photographing New Yorkers and hearing their stories. The result is a wonderful, eclectic and intriguing collection of individuals, with all manner of stories and backgrounds. Some will make you laugh, some will make you melt and some will make you shed a tear, but you will enjoy reading about all those he has come across since embarking on this wonderful project.

Once the yoghurt is made, heat the oven to 180c. Make sure to watch over your falafels so they don’t burn! You want them to go a medium brown, and they should be hard and crispy on the outside. Once the oven is hot, put the flatbreads in to warm through for a couple of minutes.

Crispy frying falafels

Crispy frying falafels

By this point, your falafels should be cooked. Take the falafels off the heat, and take your flatbreads out of the oven. Lay a flatbread out on a plate, spread the humous and yoghurt over it, then top with falafel, spinach and sriracha. Carefully wrap the flatbread up, (being sure to tuck in one end to avoid leaks!) and then tuck in. Happy eating!

Falafels and flatbread

Falafels and flatbread

Two quick things before I go – I fry my falafels as I find this is the best way to achieve a crisp outer shell, and a moist, soft middle. I know it’s not as healthy as baking, but it’s also not as delicious, and that must always come first in my books. That said, if you must, then you can bake them, at 200c for 15 minutes, making sure to turn them regularly so as to achieve an even colour.

Lastly, I am aware that posts to this blog are currently few and far between, and this is due to the fact my dissertation is due in just over three weeks, and so everything is a little manic in my head, and my life. The Peckish Pescatarian gets a little forgotten about as a result, but I will try and put recipes up as often as I can, when I remember to!